
The QDL group has yet to publish any papers, but be assured we are working tirelessly towards this goal. For the time being here are some recent publications from both the Cooke and Siwick groups.                                                   

Siwick Lab Publications:                                                                                                                                                                                              

    Mechanisms of electron-phonon coupling unraveled in momentum and time: The case of soft-phonons in TiSe2

    The complex coupling between charge carriers and phonons is responsible for diverse phenomena in condensed matter. We apply ultrafast electron diffuse scattering to unravel electron-phonon coupling phenomena in 1T-TiSe2 in both momentum and time to unravel the underlying mechanisms driving the phonon softening that is associated with the charge density wave transition at lower temperatures. 

    Martin R. Otto, Jan-Hendrik Pöhls, Laurent P. René de Cotret, Mark J. Stern, Mark Sutton, Bradley J. Siwick
    Time- and momentum-resolved phonon population dynamics with ultrafast electron diffuse scattering

    Interactions between the lattice and charge carriers can drive the formation of phases and ordering phenomena that give rise to conventional superconductivity, insulator-to-metal transitions, and charge-density waves. These couplings also play a determining role in properties that include electrical and thermal conductivity. Ultrafast electron diffuse scattering (UEDS) has recently become a viable laboratory-scale tool to track energy flow into and within the lattice system across the entire Brillouin zone, and to separate interactions in the time domain. Here, we present a detailed quantitative framework for the interpretation of UEDS signals, ultimately extracting the phonon-mode occupancies across the entire Brillouin zone.

    Laurent P. René de Cotret, Jan-Hendrik Pöhls, Mark J. Stern, Martin R. Otto, Mark Sutton, and Bradley J. Siwick
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